Switchback’s Flip The Script campaign tells a new story about crime by amplifying the voice and experience of young men leaving prison.
Youth violence, reoffending, racial disparities in prison – these issues get lots of airtime. But we hardly ever hear from the people with the most vivid insights of all: young prison leavers themselves.
Flip the Script aims to change that by amplifying the voice and power of young men, mainly from ethnic minority backgrounds, who have been to prison and, with Switchback’s support, built a totally different life after release.
Through creative content and collaborations, Flip the Script will shine a light on the roots of crime, as well as the strengths, talents and potential of young men caught in the justice system. Together, we’ll paint a picture of a brighter, fairer future.
Flip the Script is a key part of Switchback’s new ambition – set out in our latest 3-year plan – to do more to challenge social and racial injustice across the system.
We’re setting out to not only increase representation but also build power: supporting Switchback Trainees to tell their own stories and to be agents of the massive social changes needed in the UK to break down long-standing injustices.
Flip The Script is a work in progress we’re co-designing with our Experts by Experience Board. But you’ll be seeing more Switchback events, partnerships and storytelling, especially with Trainees in the lead. If you are a charity, business or individual and this work chimes with you, and you have an idea for a project, event, podcast or campaign that you’d like to talk to us about, please get in touch.
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Hear the podcast
The first output from Flip the Script is Switchback’s critically-acclaimed podcast, Time & Again, featuring six young men in their own powerful words.
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