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Raise Your Hands – voting for Switchback has begun!

By October 27, 2017No Comments

We’re extremely proud to be supported by Raise Your Hands, a member community that raise funds for exceptional small charities working with young people.

We’re one of twelve small charities that Raise Your Hands members vote upon each year to receive funds that they have raised and donated. We’ve been a chosen charity since 2015, and voting has just started for this year’s selection process.

Take a look at the Switchback page on the Raise Your Hands site »

We find out the results of the 2017 vote on November 22nd, but we’d like to take a moment to thank Raise Your Hands for all their support.

If you’d like to become a Raise Your Hands member, take a look at the video below for more on the charity, and then head over to their website »