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Will more stop and search help reduce crime? Switchback on Channel 4

By July 29, 2021No Comments

Switchback’s Head of Delivery Monique Williams and former Switchback Trainee Brian respond to the government’s ‘Beating Crime Plan’ on Channel 4 News.

This week the government announced a series of new measures to tackle crime, including expanded stop and search powers. Switchback was invited on Channel 4 News to respond to the plans and talk about the support that people really need to move away from crime.

“They feel profiled, they feel that people don’t believe in them… There’s a sense of hopelessness.” – Monique

Switchback Trainees often tell us about being repeatedly stopped by the police for no clear reason, in many cases from a very young age. According to Ministry of Justice figures, Black people are 43 times more likely to be stopped and searched than white people without suspicion. Monique spoke about the personal impact of constant stop and search and the mistrust towards authority figures that this creates.


“If everyone had that type of support, it would make a dramatic change.” – Brian

Meanwhile, former Switchback Trainee Brian talked about more effective ways to reduce crime: giving people opportunities to build stable and fulfilling lives. He spoke about the one-to-one support that he received from Switchback and how meaningful relationships can enable people to make a change.

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