We have expanded our offices into the rooms next door. It’s fantastic to have the space we need to do confidential work with Trainees.
Huge thanks to everyone who volunteered their time, skills, furniture and paint to make the place look as brilliant as it does now. It was great to see so many familiar faces at our thank you tea party. To see pictures, have a look at our facebook page.
If you haven’t seen the office yet please come round and say hello.
Its not just the office that has a new feel about it! We say goodbye and thank you to Alison Flynn who has moved on after 18 months of fantastic work with Trainees, and give a warm welcome to Ella Reed, our new Switchback Mentor.
Founding Director (Development) Slaney Wright has now gone on maternity leave. We look forward to meeting the twins very soon! Tim Colman and Leah Selinger have come onboard to look after the development side of things.
Find out more about how we are growing our team and reaching out to more Trainees in our Strategic Plan 2012-2015