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Switchback responds to Independent Sentencing Review’s initial findings

By February 18, 2025No Comments

Switchback welcomes the publication of the interim Independent Sentencing Review today. We are pleased to see this review conclude that prison is being over-used in this country and that we are not investing enough in the rehabilitation of people leaving prison. This represents a significant opportunity for the justice system to move away from a punitive approach, towards one that is focused on reducing reoffending and creating safer communities.

We are pleased to see this review acknowledge that the rise in the use of recall has been a key driver in the recent rise in the prison population. Members of our Experts by Experience Board are currently carrying out research into this issue – initial findings from this research were submitted to the sentencing review. It is encouraging to see their views and evidence being reflected in the Government’s response.

Investments in alternatives to custody and support for people leaving custody are crucial to turning our justice system into one that supports rehabilitation and prevents crime. Our work at Switchback demonstrates the power of providing a bridge of support, post-release, to enable people to succeed. The Government must act to ensure that every person leaving prison gets a real chance to succeed on release, to reduce reoffending, lower crime and stabilise the prison estate.

Action on all the important issues raised by this review is crucial. We look forward to seeing the recommendations of this review in Spring.