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By March 30, 2009January 13th, 2015No Comments

It has been just over a year since we started out and ventured into the unknown of our Pilot Year in 2008. We have had the following measurable results:

39 potential trainees were identified with prison staff

22 trainees signed up and were supported by their Switchback Mentor while in custody

21 trainees went on to receive support after their release

12 trainees worked in Crisis Skylight Café

6 trainees benefitted from mock interviews and feedback

5 trainees completed work placements

2 trainees entered full-time education

7 trainees gained paid employment

16 trainees continue to maintain regular contact with their Switchback Mentor


These numbers tell only half the story.  The rest lies in the details of each individual trainee’s journey with Switchback to this point. For many of them, that journey continues and there is plenty more to come.

We have learnt a huge amount over the past year. We will be changing how we capture the impact we have. We will focus on implementing positive change in a ten key areas such as employability, accommodation and health. We aim to improve stability for trainees and help them to achieve positive outcomes in these areas.

Vincent Bryant from PI Consulting has completed a comprehensive review of our Pilot Year. The primary recommendation is that we continue to test the Switchback model as it stands. The original Switchback Steering Group and the current Trustees have studied the report and will use it to help shape our strategy for the years ahead.






Please get in touch if you are interested in finding out more.