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Meeting the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

By November 19, 2013January 21st, 2015No Comments

Switchback Trainees and staff met the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge today, during an event at Only Connect. The event, which celebrated different charities working with ex-offenders, saw five different charities coming together to show how organisations in the sector can support each other.

Switchback Trainees baked cakes especailly for the event  and the Duchess tried some chocolate and ginger cakes whilst talking to the Trainees who made them. Trainees then sat behind the Duke and Duchess whilst watching dance & theatre productions by some of the other charities.

It was an amazing day for both Switchback Trainees and staff, not only to meet the Royal couple, but to work with other charities in the sector and celebrate the important work that we do.

Switchback Trainees have been all over the news and can be seen in both photo’s and articles, one of which is featured on the Daily Mail Online. To see more photos and fim clips please visit our facebook page!