Switchback were proud to share our 2023 Annual Report. In 2023 Swithback’s EbE Board made significant progress and impact, as highlighted by Former Trainee and Participation Coordinator, Elton, who has supported the Board to thrive.
Switchback’s Annual report 2023
A message from Switchback’s Participation Coordinator, Elton Gilbert
Being a former Switchback Trainee coming through the programme, and EbE Board member since 2017 has played a key role in my self development. I’m not one to brag, but I’m genuinely proud of what we’ve achieved this year. The EbE Board is firing on all cylinders, and I’m excited to see it continue to soar in the years to come. Now in my second year of organising and facilitating our EbE Board, and as we move forward, I have a few dreams for EbE. I’d love to see us expand our reach, not just in terms of numbers but also in terms of impact. I envision us collaborating with EbE Boards from other organisations, sharing ideas, and amplifying our collective impact. And, because I’m also a freelance designer, I’m passionate about creating more pathways into the creative industry for our Trainees.
For me, this work is about seeing a person’s personal growth, about seeing individuals tap into their potential and making a positive difference in the world. It’s about empowering others to believe in themselves and chase their dreams, no matter how big or small.
Feedback from our EbE Board members:
“EbE is about making everyone’s voice heard.”
“It’s made me think about things that you don’t think about. You see when you’re growing up and there’s so many things wrong with the world, with authority and the justice system. Sometimes you just have to deal with it but here it’s like No. You don’t just have to deal with it. It shouldn’t be like that – it’s letting us actually try and solve it.”
“EbE allows us to understand and get a better insight on what the criminal justice system is actually doing compared to what [the government/ system] think it’s doing and find an avenue to work on that.”
“One of the main reasons [to attend] is because you can have this type of conversation you would never have with your peers. Like I definitely wouldn’t be having these conversations outside of work but sometimes these are the conversations that need to be had.”
“We’ve all come from the same place – we’ve all got a different view on life. Being able to have different perceptions on the same place. It gives you a 360 outlook. We all respect each other’s opinions and each other’s perspectives. So, we have an insight on how we would like the justice system to work and to benefit people.”