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City of London School raises over £80,000 for Switchback

By September 17, 2021No Comments

Sarah and Taran from the Switchback Team picked up the impressive cheque at the the City of London School charity assembly.

In October 2019, Switchback was voted by the students to be City of London School’s Charity of the Year. We couldn’t have imagined that two years later, CLS would have raised an incredible £82,088 for Switchback, or that we would have built a long-lasting partnership throughout a pandemic.  

At the start of our partnership, while attending assemblies in person and telling the students all about Switchback, we had big ideas for fundraising events – including a football match, a Winter Fayre, a jazz evening, fundraising challenges and so much more… Of course, as March 2020 came around, all of these plans were put on hold.  

This, however, did not stop the students and teachers at CLS. We have been in awe of the innovative ideas, and the hard work that students, their families and teachers put in to raise funds. These included virtual talks, a 24-hour sponsored row, walking, running, cycling, baking and even solving a Rubik’s Cube 500 times in five days.

It’s been a fantastic experience to have a relationship with the CLS community and the outstanding CLS charity committee who, alongside Mr Robinson, have raised this transformative amount for Switchback. It’s thanks to dedicated and thoughtful funders such as CLS that we were able to adapt our programme during lockdown, and not only continue to support prison leavers throughout the pandemic, but reach more young men than ever before.

We were honoured to attend the City of London School charity assembly this week, where we were presented with a giant cheque revealing just how much the school raised in total for Switchback – and we were absolutely blown away!