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New Switchback Experts By Experience Board!

By July 4, 2017No Comments

Some of our EBE board (L-R): Pellum, Mo, James, Rasel & Switchback Mentor Joe

We are incredibly excited to have established an ‘Experts By Experience’ (EBE) board made up of ex-Switchback Trainees. The EBE board will meet quarterly to discuss issues and challenges they are facing as ex-offenders, relating to both their time in prison, the process of moving through the gate and their experiences post-release.

The EBE board will directly contribute to both defining the topics we focus our policy and impact work around. This will also support us to identify examples of good practice, ensuring we continue to deliver the Switchback model in the best way for Trainees. The first meeting was an enormous success with streams of ideas of subjects to cover!